925 Days Later...

04:14 p.m. 3rd August 2021 @ Bangi, Selangor

This is where we met, underneath an umbrella that shielded us from the pouring rain. And here I am again, I thought I had locked the door on that chapter of my life, but just a minute spent here has taught me how wrong I truly was. A cold drop of rain, the raw smell of wet earth, the comforting touch of the evening breeze. All of it slapped me back into the eye of the storm that rocked me to my core.

The storm that threw away all definitions I held and gave new meaning to life.

The storm that, in its passing, left behind its mark on every cell of my body.

The storm that blew me away, and till this day, I have yet to fall back onto my feet.

You were that storm.

I adore and cherish every moment we shared, for they live in me, as do you, in my heart. Being here makes me long to see you again. Just one more time, and then again and again and again until I look back at my life, and it's only you.

But you’re not here, and even the pouring rain feels empty.

This will probably never reach you, and I will probably never see you again. But this place, and all it stands for in our lives, will never fade away. As will our memories in me.

Heaven-sent. That’s what you are, and I thank life each and every day for bringing us together, for our little chapter.

Goodbye, my love.


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